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The best bird poo removers for cars

• The best bird poo removers on the market right now
• What the differences between sprays and wipes mean
• How to stop birds pooing on your car

Written by Ryan Gilmore Updated: 12 February 2025

It has to be one of the most annoying post car wash and detailing occurrences – a bird dropping right there, ruining all your good work, and leaving you wishing you had some bird poo remover. And, goodness me, sometimes they don’t half make a right mess.

Bird poo can leave a horrible mark on your car’s bodywork if you leave it long enough. Autoglym research suggests that bird poo disrupts the paint lacquer, which then moulds itself to the uneven texture of the secretion, even if you’ve used a good wax for protection, creating that discoloured look that can spoil even the nicest paint job.

Car shampoo is one option, but it’s never time effective to clean a car every time a bird deposits its lunch on your motor. Avoid spoiled paintwork with a proper bird poo remover; we’ve found the best and listed them below so you know you’re getting a decent product.

Best bird poo removers at a glance:

Editor’s choice: Autoglym Bird Dropping Wipes – Buy now from Amazon UK
Best bird poo remover spray: Supagard Bird Poo Remover – Buy now from Amazon UK
Best multi-purpose remover: Simoniz Insect and Bird Dropping Remover – Buy now from Amazon UK

Best bird poo removers:

Editor's choice

Price: $20.90
Disposable wipes seem to be the most logical response to removing bird poo. Drape one of these wipes (there are 10 in the pack) over the offending poo, leave it to soak for a couple of seconds and simply wipe away. All you then have to do is dispose of the wipe.

These are ideal for keeping in your glovebox for catching any fresh deposits that can occur as you drive around. On the downside, it's no good for older, hardened droppings. It's still our top choice, however, for how simple and effective it is.


  • Perfect for use on the go
  • Good value for money
  • Easy to store in the car


  • Wipes aren’t the most eco-friendly option
  • No good on hardened poo
Best bird poo remover spray
Bird-dropping remover spray may not be as versatile as wipes, but it is more powerful and effective against older, hardened bird droppings. This product from Supagard is incredibly effective against all sorts of poos and should have it dislodged in a couple of seconds. On the downside, you do need to bring your own towel to wipe away the poo. Supagard recommends a microfibre towel, so be sure not to re-use that particular towel until you've given it a good wash first.


  • Powerful on all types of poo
  • Easy to apply


  • You need a microfibre cloth
Best multi-purpose remover
Price: $20.13
This spray from Simoniz is designed for more than just bird poo; it will also lift dead insects as well as grime. It is, in effect, a pre-wash that helps dislodge these deposits. It's suitable for all exterior surfaces and contains active ingredients, so it works quickly at lifting the bird poo.


  • Quickly softens hardened deposits
  • Ideal as a shampoo pre-wash


  • May need a couple of applications
Best bird poo removers for spiders too
Alternative Retailers
Everyone knows how irritating bird poo can be, but did you know that droppings from insects like spiders can be just as irritating. They often take the form of little black spots that are difficult to remove and leave little marks.

This spray deals with both of these and is also eco-friendly. It's non-toxic, and the plastic is recycled, but the best part is that it can be used on a massive range of surfaces, including fabrics.


  • Cleans spider poo too
  • Eco-friendly formula


  • You need a microfibre cloth
Best versatile cleaner
If you're looking for a more flexible cleaner that will still tackle the dreaded bird poo, this product from Turtle Wax could be just what you're looking for. The active ingredients will quickly break down poo stains as well as tackling other difficult marks like tree sap and insects.


  • Multi-purpose
  • Non-drip


  • Microfibre towel is needed

Bird-dropping remover FAQs:

How do I remove bird droppings?

The best way to remove bird droppings is to do it as quickly as possible. You’ll have the best chances when the bird poo is fresh and hasn’t hardened in the sun. Each product is different in how long you leave it on the bird poo before you start wiping.

Insect removers can be used to lift bird poo, but aren’t specially formulated for bird poo. We recommend getting the proper stuff to minimise the damage risk.

How can I stop birds pooing on my car?

While there is no guaranteed way to stop a bird from doing its business all over your car, there are a couple of little tips to limit the chance they have.

The first thing you can do is ensure your car is parked away from tall objects that birds enjoy perching on. This includes trees, lamp posts, buildings and even overhead wires. It appears that these areas are all designated toilets for birds.

Also, try as much as you can to park your car under a cover. A garage or carport is ideal, but a good car cover will also keep your paint safe from a bird’s number two.

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