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The best car air freshener bombs

  • What are car air freshener bombs? 
  • The best ones for every price point
  • How to use them

Written by Ryan Gilmore Updated: 10 February 2025

An air freshener bomb is a really satisfying item. Why? Because sometimes, when you get into your car, you just wish you had something that would blast the inconceivably stinky odours into the oblivion. They’re the kind of smells that even the best steam cleaner could never get rid of.

Whether it be whiffy dogs, cigarettes, abandoned food and long-forgotten gym equipment are the usual suspects and can make sitting in your car a miserable affair.

Obviously, you can buy a traditional car air freshener or upholstery cleaner to introduce a fresh scent. But sometimes you need something that’ll blast that awful smell away. That is where air freshener bombs come in. They are a single-use product that will remove even the most stubborn smells from a car.

The scent and freshness they leave behind can last anything from a couple of months to a year, depending on which product you go for. That’s a length of time that no interior dressing can ever match. We’ve found the best air freshener bombs on the market, so you’ll know which one will suit you perfectly.

The best car air freshener bomb at a glance:

  • Editor’s pick: Holts Sanitiser Air Con Bomb – Buy on Amazon
  • Best for tackling bacteria: Autoglym Air-Con Cleaner – Buy on Amazon
  • Best for citrus flavour: Bilt Hamber Air-Con Bomb Citrus – Buy on Amazon
  • Best flavoured air freshener bomb: Meguiar’s Air Re-Fresher – Buy on Amazon

The best car air freshener bomb

This car air freshener bomb sanitises your interior as well as removing bad odours. It takes around ten minutes to work its way through the air con vents and throughout the vehicle, but as well as other bad smells, it can easily cure a damp odour that might plague your vehicle from time to time.

Some users report a smell of talcum powder once the process is complete, but this can be easily cured by airing your car out after the process is done.


  • Sanitises your interior and removes smells
  • Great value


  • Smells like talc which some may not enjoy
Best for tackling bacteria
Feeling like treating yourself and your car to a touch of luxury sanitising? Then the Autoglym Air-Con Cleaner is well worth the money, despite being priced higher than other air freshener bombs on the market.

Designed to kill bacteria, this air freshener is easy to use and leaves behind a fresh smell and doesn't leave much residue once it's finished its cycle..


  • Will tackle heavy odours in your air con system
  • Simple to use


  • Can take time for the scent to really show through
Best for citrus flavour
Designed to emit a citrus-like scent, Bilt Hamber's Air-Con Bomb is a simple one-use aerosol that sanitises the interior and air conditioning vents in a breeze.

It's a quick and easy way to rid odours that lurk inside your vehicle. Bilt Hamber recommend you give your car an odour bomb every six months to a year. The bottle needs to be shook well before use and placed in the passenger footwell with the engine and air conditioning system running.


  • Kills odours and de-sanitises interior and vents
  • Easy to use


  • Not ideal if you don't like the smell of citrus
Best flavoured air freshener bomb

Rrp: $12.00

Price: $7.88
Alternative Retailers
Blain Farm & Fleet
Ace Hardware
An effective way to remove a stubborn smell from your car, this option from Meguiar's will remove odours and leave a fresh scent instead.

While the scent fades quickly, the odour shouldn't return. You can choose from a number of different flavours from Meguiar's from 'Black Chrome' to 'Fuji Sunset'.


  • Great selection of scents available
  • Tackles a whole range of odours


  • Quite small compared to the rest
Best versatile odour bomb
A simple option for removing embedded smells, this bomb from Dakota is designed to work in more than just your car.

Dakota claims it'll also work in motorhomes. boats and even your home. You do need to be wary of the pressure however, it can leave marks on your headlining if you aren't careful.


  • Great odour remover
  • Can be used in an office or your home


  • Can leave greasy marks on your car
Best mid-range air freshener bomb
An odour bomb that actively targets your air-con system is a great option when the system starts to smell. It's also said to prevent allergic reactions such as coughing, sneezing, or irritation. Presumably stemming from things within the car, of course.

Not only does it remove bad odours, but it'll also kill the bacteria that live in the system, making your car more hygienic in the process.


  • Great odour remover
  • Tackles mould and bacteria


  • Smaller than competitors
Best budget air freshener bomb
Available in a plethora of different scents, this is a solid choice of air freshener bomb if you're buying on a budget.

It works the same as other air freshener bombs, removing bad smells and replacing them with a rather strong scent that dissipates after a few days.


  • Great value air freshener bomb
  • Destroys odours for up to 30 days


  • Can leave greasy marks on your car

What you need to know about air freshener bombs:

What does an air freshener bomb do?

A car air freshener bomb is essentially an aerosol that won’t turn off once activated. If you’ve ever gone paintballing, it works a bit like a smoke grenade; you pull the pin and smoke comes out until the vessel is empty. Unlike a smoke bomb, however, this smoke will leave a nice smell and remove bad odours. They work thoroughly to find and remove odours left behind after you’ve removed pet hairs and other dirty things.

How do I use one?

The general rule of thumb is to first make sure your windows are closed and the air-con set to recirculate. Then, you place the air freshener bomb centrally in your car, set it going and make sure all the doors are closed. You’ll probably have to wait around 15 minutes for the car to fill, after which you should open your doors and allow the smoke to dissipate. All that’s left to do after that is enjoy the nice smell. However, we do recommend you tidy up and vacuum your vehicle inside and out and give your cabin a thorough clean with carpet brushes and other suitable products. An air freshener bomb won’t be of much use if it hasn’t got a clear canvas to work with.

Why would I need one?

Air freshener bombs are quite an extreme option so aren’t really required that often. One of the best opportunities to use one is if you’re either buying or selling a used car and want an odour gone. For example, if you are a smoker, you’ll probably be aware that the smell of stale smoke can damage your car’s resale value. One of these should remove even the most engrained stench and allow you to get a better price for your car. For a continuous scent though, a FUMEBAR in-car air freshener might be a good option if you wish to maintain a welcoming scent.

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