Citroën Xantia Hatchback 2.0i Turbo Activa 5d (AC) (1996/P) Owner Review

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Absolutely stonking bargains to be found, but be wary of poor condition suspension and electrics. Will not have been used as a taxi. Resale terribly difficult - enthusiasts only.
Abominable repair costs for suspension every 3 years. Fuel economy is poor for best performance, car needs to be maintained more carefully than an Impreza.
On the road
Suspension is very noisy at low speeds, compromising the generally exciting drive. Car goes where you tell it to, even in the rain.
Quite frankly, handling and agility are staggering in Sport mode. Easily corners in the wet at 70mph where a 406 would be doing 50mph. Can keep up with far quicker cars on the twisty stuff - a boy racer's worst fear!
Living with it
ABS sensors reported faults corner suspension spheres all needed replacing (£220 all told) suspension has a mind of its own anyway.
Xantia Activa unfairly seen as an old man's car, despite cornering better than an MR2 Top Gear magazine tested an Activa against a Lotus Elise on a cone course in 1996, Activa won, but nobody remembers. Sloppy marketing by Citroen swept under the carpet.
Poor compared to a normal Xantia, but still better than many rival's suspension. Much stiffer than usual when set in Sports mode, comfort mode is useless and makes the car wallow on corners.
Security and Service
Funky keypad thing, deadlocks, immobiliser, no alarm though. Nobody would nick it anyway they wouldn't have a clue what it can do when you get your foot down.
Stupidly expensive quotes - always go independent. Don't buy without a full legitimate MOT!
Problems and Ownership
Turbo reported a fault but worked fine when error code erased. Peugeot 2.0 turbo engine bullet-proof.
Suspension is a pain in the backside.
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