Dodge Ram V8 Laramie 4x4 (2005-2007) engines, drive and performance

A V8 is often seen as a range-topper, but not with the Ram: this is the smallest engine in the UK line-up (the Viper-engined SRT-10 is covered in a separate review). It provides the Ram with strong pace – 0-62mph comes up in under 7 seconds, plus it sounds wonderful too, especially under full throttle. Given that the Ram weighs almost two and a half tonnes this is even more impressive, however the power delivery isn’t particularly smooth – due mainly to the slow-witted four-speed automatic gearbox which can take an age to kick down a gear.
The Ram is as unwieldy to drive as its tank-like proportions suggest. It’s just about acceptable if you do a lot of motorway driving as it’s relatively smooth and the engine sits at low revs. The suspension is crude (old fashioned leaf springs), which means it rolls through corners, but this does make for quite a good ride. However the terribly vague steering means it’s not reassuring through bends and it doesn’t deal well with sudden changes in direction.