Other Ford Mondeo (2007 - 2014) models:

  • Summary

    5 out of 5 5.0

    What does this car say about you?

    Driving enthusiast with the responsibility of a baby on the way. It is very stylish and M3/M5 aside is more characterful than the competing BMWs in the 3 and 5 series range.

    What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?

    It looks much better than the standard Mondeo, just as all hot hatches are designed to be that bit 'special'.

    Would you buy this car again and why?

    Yes - it is a grown up hot hatch with fine handling, good performance, very nice suede/leather interior with fine detailing and looks the part on the exterior. It also carries 5 adults with ease.

    What are you likely to buy next?

    Ford Focus RS, Honda Civic Type R when the children are old enough to get in the back themselves as these are both 3 door cars.

  • Buying experience

    5 out of 5 5.0

    Type of dealer you bought from?

    Didn't buy from a dealer

    Did you buy this car new?


    What price did you pay?


    When did you buy the car?

    June 2011

    Did you get a good deal and why?

    Bought off parents

    Is there any special reason why you bought this car?

    Wife is pregnant

    What was the dealer like?

  • Driving it

    5 out of 5 5.0

    What's it like to drive?

    Excellent - the Titanium X Sport is rather like a middle ground hot hatch to drive with a better steering feel and taught suspension.

    What's it like to park?

    Okay with Parking sensors - it is a large car.

  • Living with it

    5 out of 5 5.0

    Have you had any problems with the car?

    Minor - squeaky clutch, LCD panels on rear seats, perishing centre Ford inserts on wheels and armrest came apart.

    What's most practical about your car?

    Huge boot, immense space inside

    Favourite gadget, option or accessory?

    Satellite Navigation and its link to the Ford operating system (Convers+) to make it easier for the driver to use.