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Used Ford Mondeo Saloon (07 - 10) cars for sale


Used Ford Mondeo Saloon (07 - 10) cars for sale

If you're looking for a used Ford Mondeo Saloon (07 - 10) car, Parkers has 4 for sale from trusted dealers to suit all budgets, with easy tools to narrow your choice to the right secondhand car for you.

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Ford Mondeo Saloon (07-10) reviews

Ford Mondeo Saloon (2007 - 2010)

Parkers rating: 4 out of 54.0
Ford Mondeo Saloon 2007

Sharp styling, hugely spacious interior, wonderfully refined long distance cruiser, great to drive


Lacks practicality and load carrying ability of hatch, satellite navigation isn't standard on any model, more difficult to sell used

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