Hyundai Coupe 2.0 16V F2 3d Auto (1998/R) Owner Review

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Great interior and build quality, ware hypermarket overpricing (handy full size spare wheel).
Service costs low compared to many other car dealers. Hyundai pads and parts can be overpriced (high reliability cuts costs). Petrol thirsty and insurance reasonable.
On the road
Very comfortable, though steering wheel reach a bit for the long legged. Easy to keep under control in the worst situations, ABS works like a dream at speed, even in the wet. Brakes could be harder.
Quick, communicative, corners well. CHECK correct tire pressure and for wheel damage/tracking, as can give unnecessary steering vibration and pull.
Living with it
Only problem caused by previous owner heavily dinking/denting back wheel (changed). Needed new bearings on one wheel and tracking done. There are better (cheaper) tires than the Pirellis in the wet.
The look of this car says it all, inside and out (pure joy). Get a lot of good comments and it looks more expensive to others. Timeless quality (I'm keeping this).
Front space great (the seats are great too), but back can be a little low for tall passengers. Massive goods capacity with rear seats down/split, i.e. 80 gal fish tank and 8 ft planks easily.
Security and Service
Good immobiliser system, but added a Cobra immobiliser alarm (can use both), for anti wheel jack, an alternative to stop carjacking, and for insurance discount. £250 disc lock as visual £80.
Excellent, though one local dealer did not know it was possible to cut a new master (one not supplied) cheaply, the other friendly dealer did (Hyndai UK very helpful on phone).
Problems and Ownership
Timing slightly out from previous owner (as were tire pressures), fixed on service, otherwise none.
No master key when bought. Inside rear rim dent seen on tire change from previous owner/company car.
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