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Search all MAXUS MIFA 9 used car prices. Basic valuations, unadjusted for mileage or any options fitted, are free. To access more precise MAXUS MIFA 9 valuations, taking into account exact mileage and any value-adding extras fitted such as sat-nav, there's a small charge.

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Latest models

We have full used prices for 1 models of the latest MAXUS MIFA 9:

  • Get full used prices for 5 versions of this model, including:

    Most affordable version Used price range
    180kW Elite [7 Seat] 90kWh 5dr Auto £35,295 - £46,750
    Top version Used price range
    180kW Premium [7 Seat] 90kWh 5dr Auto £42,345 - £56,100
    Get used prices