Mercedes-Benz CE-Class Coupe 300 CE 2d Auto (1990/G) Owner Review

You are buying a car that was £36K new in 1990 and is only about half way through its economic life. Depreciation is steady and will value of car will bottom out around £2k.
It's a luxury car, don't expect it to be cheap! 22mpg in town, high 20s on a run - overall 25mpg. Servicing: 6000 miles around £100, 12000 around £250 and the vital 36000 around £500 (yes!) plus anything that needs doing. Find an independent specialist.
On the road
Effortless - like a mobile room. Neat handling. Good turning circle. Commanding road presence. Feels very safe but it's not designed to be particularly involving.
Effortless wafting - mind your licence. Smooth and responsive auto is always in the right gear (use S mode). Completely untemperamental.
Living with it
Some minor problems over the years but not too bad overall. It is now a 14 year old car but it runs so beautifully you would not know it.
Proper Merc grille. Moneyed bachelor or retired Colonel. It's a Mercedes before the cost cutters really got their hands on the company products. So much better built than a CLK. Could be future classic.
Ride around town is nothing special but is excellent on motorways. Seats firm but comfy in front, once you are in the back it's great if you are not too tall.
Security and Service
Has a top grade alarm. Bit prone to vandalism though. I lost my bonnet star (£15) and badges (£5+) and car has been 'keyed' many times.
Keep away from main dealers - too expensive and too busy fixing the latest MB offerings - join the owners' club and find yourself an independent specialist. The specialist I use is absolutely superb - never a fault with what they do.
Problems and Ownership
Oil pressure switch failed (£50). Routine: distributor cap (£60) battery (£70) etc.
Propshaft coupling worn at 90k (£80+fitting). Seatbelt extender motor (£200 from MB - not fixed yet!) Window regulator driverside worn out (£70), odd bits of trim. Routine: brakes, tyres (£60ea) and exhaust downpipe (£200).
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