Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Coupe 97-

Want to know everything there is to know about this car?

  • Economy


    4 out of 5 4.0

    Don't buy one unless you can afford the running costs. A monster V8 for £20K - worth a look.


    3 out of 5 3.0

    When Driving Miss Daisy you get 27 MPG but drive hard and its 18. Rips through rear tyres quickly. Avoid 19 inch.

  • On the road


    4 out of 5 4.0

    A good balance of sport / cruising but does not excel in either.


    5 out of 5 5.0

    Gut wrenching thrust and a wonderful exhaust not. Power linear and never gives up (it changes down to 3rd at 90mph in kick down - where permitted of course).

  • Living with it


    4 out of 5 4.0

    Electric Seat fuses kept blowing. Cracked front suspension brackets.


    4 out of 5 4.0

    You almost want it to be more in your face as unless you are a petrol head you might not notice / know what AMG is all about.


    3 out of 5 3.0

    Long journeys do start to hurt if you are a big chap but light ones will drive comfortably for hours. Do not buy with 19 inch wheels as your jaw will crack if you aren't on the smoothest of tarmac.

  • Security and Service


    4 out of 5 4.0

    I didn't have any issues but lack of deadlocks does seem bizarre in a high profile car.


    3 out of 5 3.0

    You have to take this sort of car to MB and live with getting stiffed. Don't risk an independent unless they have worked on this sort of performance car before.

  • Problems and Ownership



    Awesome - no issues.


    Electric fuses for front seats kept blowing and couldn't track fault. Front suspension brackets cracked meaning failed MOT and £400 to fix.


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