MG F 1.8i 2d (1998/R) Owner Review

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Pre TF models are very reasonable indeed now, and won't drop much value if looked after.
£45 to fill it will last well over 400 miles. Insurance for me (1 year no claims, 3 points, 33 year old male) was £330 FC. To include my girlfriend was actually £1 cheaper. She's not allowed to drive it though. It's mine.
On the road
Clutch is a bit heavy in slow traffic, doesn't like crawling along. Bit twitchy in the wet, as will be your bottom. But when the sun comes out and the roof comes off, you won't buy more fun for as little money.
Loves to be revved. In the corners it will crease the road before it lets go. Good for 120. Best bit is caning it up to 100, after that it gets a bit scary as it loses some road holding after due to lack of down force.
Living with it
If you buy one four or five years old, it's obviously made it through the MGF's legendary teething troubles. Engine gets hot so keep an eye on water and oil, i.e. every weekend. Makes you feel like you know what your doing too.
Not as bad as the MX5. Constantly referring to it as a "mid engined performance vehicle" helps to allay hairdresser image amongst your friends. I think.
Excellent driving position considering small interior, and I'm six foot. Nothing fouling your body space. Not generous on driver leg room, but then you won't be playing keepy uppy in it.
Security and Service
Immobilised, alarm is brutal. Could probably cut through soft top with relative ease, but by then I'd be outside with a pickaxe handle.
Rover had shut up shop before I bought mine.
Problems and Ownership
As I said, does get hot. Don't carry ice in the boot.
The odd squeak from somewhere in the dash, mirror handles fall off. But we're British, we expect that sort of thing. Wish it had a smidge more aerodynamic down force.
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