MG TF (2002 - 2005) 1.6 16v (115ps) 2d (2002/02) Owner Review

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What does this car say about you?
What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?
Think im flash.
Would you buy this car again and why?
Would prob buy something different.
What are you likely to buy next?
Maybe a mx5.
Buying experience
Type of dealer you bought from?
Didn't buy from a dealer
Did you buy this car new?
What price did you pay?
When did you buy the car?
May 2014
Did you get a good deal and why?
Prob paid top wack but only done 30 000 had 2 lady owners last owner spent 2000 at 17 000 miles she fried the head so complete new head and upgrade.
Is there any special reason why you bought this car?
Liked the look and colour.
What was the dealer like?
Driving it
What's it like to drive?
What's it like to park?
Parking easy.
Living with it
Have you had any problems with the car?
Only use it at weekends as am a driving instructor so not much time during week in the middle of replacing front and rear discs and pads , as failed mot on brakes they have never been off for years the job I had getting the wheels and disc off.
What's most practical about your car?
Just nice to drive.
Favourite gadget, option or accessory?