Mitsubishi Grandis (2004 - 2010) 2.0 D-ID Elegance 5d (2005/55) Owner Review

Want to know everything there is to know about this car?
What does this car say about you?
I have kids, and don't have much choice.
What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?
Is unique, and a bit different, so others don't immediately assign a value to the car.
Would you buy this car again and why?
No, because there are now other options on the market.
What are you likely to buy next?
Volvo or Ford.
Buying experience
Type of dealer you bought from?
Did you buy this car new?
What price did you pay?
When did you buy the car?
May 2011
Did you get a good deal and why?
Yes, the dealer us gave a great trade.
Is there any special reason why you bought this car?
We were looking for a large family car that was a bit different.
What was the dealer like?
Driving it
What's it like to drive?
Has a car like feel.
What's it like to park?
It can be a bit challenging to park.
Living with it
Have you had any problems with the car?
What's most practical about your car?
Although it has the extra set of seats these easily stow away into the floor to give a cavernous rear space. We have nicked named it MOBY for the huge interior.
Favourite gadget, option or accessory?
Cruise Control.