Peugeot 107 (2005 - 2014) 1.0 Verve 3d (2009/59) Owner Review

Want to know everything there is to know about this car?
What does this car say about you?
It's a smart fun bright little car!!! You can see me coming it's Mandalin Orange!!
What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?
They like it, & were surprised how low thre running costs are.
Would you buy this car again and why?
Definately for my needs it's perfect.
What are you likely to buy next?
Another 107 definately.
Buying experience
Type of dealer you bought from?
Did you buy this car new?
What price did you pay?
When did you buy the car?
April 2013
Did you get a good deal and why?
I did my homework on this make of car. I wanted a econimical car to run. I found my car on Lookers peugeot website. I had to travel up to Cardiff, but it was well worth it, I got a better deal up there money wise etc than I would of in Devon/Cornwall.
Is there any special reason why you bought this car?
Running costs.
What was the dealer like?
Excellent very helpful.
Driving it
What's it like to drive?
Lovely very smooth sits at 80 - 90 MPH perfectly.
What's it like to park?
It 's a small car so parks great.
Living with it
Have you had any problems with the car?
What's most practical about your car?
Econimical 70 MPG + Road Tax £20 a Year Low Ins.
Favourite gadget, option or accessory?
Air conditoning Alloy wheels.