Peugeot 306 Cabriolet (1994 - 2002) 1.8 2d (99) (2000/X) Owner Review

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What does this car say about you?
Now... I would say I don't follow the crowd of keeping up with the jones's.. I like different things.
What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?
Think it looks snazzy and still gets looks of admiration when filling up with fuel. They're aren't many about now but still has a strong owners club following!
Would you buy this car again and why?
Having now owned this particular 306 cabriolet 1.8S twice and having owned another 306 cabriolet 2.0SE and my younger brother owning a 306 cabriolet 2.0SE, personally.. I love this cars and have been to lands end and john'o' groats in one! but unfortunately.. no. perhaps to keep as a toy for the summer but parts are becoming more and more difficult to buy and the lack of 306's (any not just cabriolet) in scrap yards is really a big problem! the 10p part that breaks ends up costing you £££'s to fix! peugeot customer service isn't the best. cabriolet specific parts are unobtainable through peugeot so breakers are the only way.
What are you likely to buy next?
Most likely buy a mondeo or picasso simply for practicality reasons and an abudance of picasso's and mondeo's in breakers yards. I will really miss the 306 cabriolet when the time comes to sell.
Buying experience
Type of dealer you bought from?
Did you buy this car new?
What price did you pay?
When did you buy the car?
June 2013
Did you get a good deal and why?
I believe I got a good deal as in 2012 the car was 11 years old and only had 51k genuine miles on the clock and with the exception of a few minor scratches thats only to be expected it looked and drove like a new car! I kept the car for 11 months and sold it due to wanting a change. (stupid!!) went through a million cars including another 306 cabriolet until the one came back on ebay in the same place I originally bought it - sheffield S yorkshire.
Is there any special reason why you bought this car?
The 306 cabriolet came about due to my parents owning one and I really took to it. unfortunately due to only being 18 and learning to drive at the time insurance was a heap of cash so had to wait a year. reason being is.... the styling, the interiors available on good spec'd models and the way they drive.
What was the dealer like?
Dealer was great, was originally advertised in march 2012 (3 months being advertised) for £1800 but due to bad weather and flooding around yorkshire at the time it appeared not to be selling and I waited until he dropped the price to £1,000. put a brand new MOT on it and gave me a little money off for fuel for the way back home.
Driving it
What's it like to drive?
Handling is great and will out handle a fair amount of hot hatches of today simply due to the chassis design. having owned fiesta's, golfs, ka's and a ford cougar, the 306 cabriolet gives you the confidence to really stick it into those bends and corners at speed - tyres play a big part though - preferably I would advise perelli's. however.. they aren't new and can be showing they're age a little now and can feel sloppy but all this can be put right and even improved still Having driven a 306 cabriolet with my fiance from west yorkshire to lands end then to john o groats and back again covering over 1500 miles the £480 bargain cabriolet did it with no fuss at all!!
What's it like to park?
Easy with the roof down! all round view similar to that of a golf cart, in winter when reversing out a parking space in a busy carpark can be tricky with poor visibility through the back window at times.
Living with it
Have you had any problems with the car?
Originally no - 11 months of 8k miles trouble free motoring bought car back in april 2015.... 17" alloys that had been fitted were removed this modification by previous owner meant - new lower arms new P bushes new drop links new driveshaft gaitors new drive shaft oil seals "original 15" cyclone alloys fitted" silly modifications removed - fogs that flashed with high beam wood fascia dash replaced with original phase 3 silver fascia - new radiator - bleed screw snapped - cannot be bought alone - new bottom hose new alarm siren full service - fluids, filters, plugs cambelt, water pump, tensioners etc aux belt - new rear window due to last one splitting - hardtop to use in winter protect ageing fabric hood - coolant temp sensor.
What's most practical about your car?
Big boot for a 4 seater cabriolet! unlike cars built 3+ years after the 306 cabriolet, there is still room to access bolts and fittings and in a way harks back to the days of owning a classic or pre 90's era vehicle so maintenance isn't too dificult.
Favourite gadget, option or accessory?
Hardtop recently purchased, feels nice and snug over the fabric original hood - makes it feel more nice and snug simply due to reduced road noise - no difference in heat retention - fabric hood is insulated anyway but really makes the car look different.