Peugeot 309 1.3 Look 5d (1989/G) Owner Review

I got mine for free, with no MOT or tax, but it has only had 2 previous owners. Considering it has done so many miles and is 15 years old I was surprised it only cost £85 to get it through the MOT and have it cleaned up!
So far I am averaging about 42mpg. The handbook suggests I should be getting another 5 miles, but it's probably because I am doing a high number of miles at 60+.
On the road
With 120k on the clock it's still very responsive. Best between 35-55. Lower than this it likes to cough and at 60+ the chassis rattles!
It performs its task. This gets me to work and back every day with no frills and no scares. I heard that 309 had really good handling because of a sorted chassis and I'd say that's fairly true. Corners well, but knocks at high speeds on righties!
Living with it
This is what it's about. Day in day out service. Starts in the cold with a bit of choke and some gas. Minimal repair bills. Loads of spares available if it goes wrong (search eBay 205/309).
Obviously 309s are not the most glam cars ever, but I think that they look better than a lot of cars of the late 80s. They were ahead of their time, but now look a bit dated and slightly boxy You don't drive one of these if you are image conscious anyway.
The seats will probably last forever, but they are very uncomfortable for someone of 6'3"". Headrest is too low and there is not quite enough room for me to extend my legs properly. Still, beats most little hatches.
Security and Service
Mine has been safe so far. I know two people with these and they have both been broken into with what looked like ease. I think that the windows are vulnerable, heard that people can put wire through the top and flick the lock up.
N/A - I have not used a Peugeot dealer/mechanic. Haynes and a local chap does the job!
Problems and Ownership
Passenger speaker is bust.
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