Peugeot 309 1.3 XL 3d (1991/H) Owner Review

I paid 100 pounds for the car. It passed MOT next day. 4 wheels and an engine for less than £150? Can't complian. Plus, Lower insurance than 1.0 Polo, low tax group... need I say more?
Needed new driver side mirror. 20 quid. In fact, all parts I've looked at are cheap, especially if you shop around. Needs new clutch though, 300 quid... :( Low petrol Consumption which is good too.
On the road
Considering the kind of car it is, grip and handling are impressive. Non power assisted steering is precise. Heavy at low speeds, but you get used to it quickly. Gear change is good. Good fun to drive at times when you push it in the corners…
It's a 1.3, but is quicker off the line than 1.4 Escort I've driven, and even my Mum's 2.0 litre Rover 620 (though that is an Auto...). Sluggish at higher speeds though, but manages well even on motorway.
Living with it
Only had it for a couple of months, but not had a problem, even though I've done various jobs on it which didn't go perfectly, it still goes happily! Runs better than mate's Ford Escort. Needs a new clutch though, but that's normal wear and tear.
Ummm... Look at it. Find some photos on the web it's a metal box on wheels. And that's being kind. I've grown a little to it's looks, but still think it's fairly ugly. Don't buy this for image, but for reliabiltiy and practicality.
Did a 300 mile journey in it recently. Had to stop halfway through to get rid of some of the pains! Seats are okay, certainly not the worst I've been in, but not as good as my Mum's Rover.Steering column is not adjustable, so driving position isn't great.
Security and Service
Yes, the locks aren't great (hey, the car is 13 years old...) but boot security is good - boot is not accessible easily at all from main cabin of car to lower rear seats, access to boot is required. Sunroof secure from outside. And who'd want to nick it?
Would not use Peugeot as quotes from them are higher than independent people. However, helpful as far as parts finding is concerned, even for old car like this!
Problems and Ownership
None. Reliable as clockwork. Rattles a little though, but apparently this is a common trait of this series of engine...
Speedometer jiggles up and down +/-5 mph or so when driving. Speedo cable needs regreasing, will do this at some point. Apparently another common trait of Jaeger Speedos in Pugs...
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