Get full used prices for 2 versions of this model, including:
Most affordable version | Used price range |
150kW Standard Range 72kWh 5dr Auto | £22,200 - £26,455 |
Top version | Used price range |
150kW Long Range 86kWh 5dr Auto | £24,180 - £28,820 |
Search all SKYWELL BE11 used car prices. Basic valuations, unadjusted for mileage or any options fitted, are free. To access more precise SKYWELL BE11 valuations, taking into account exact mileage and any value-adding extras fitted such as sat-nav, there's a small charge.
To get a free valuation for the SKYWELL BE11 you are interested in, select a model below.
We have full used prices for 1 models of the latest SKYWELL BE11:
Get full used prices for 2 versions of this model, including:
Most affordable version | Used price range |
150kW Standard Range 72kWh 5dr Auto | £22,200 - £26,455 |
Top version | Used price range |
150kW Long Range 86kWh 5dr Auto | £24,180 - £28,820 |
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