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Used Smart Fortwo Coupe (07 - 14) cars for sale


Used Smart Fortwo Coupe (07 - 14) cars for sale

If you're looking for a used Smart Fortwo Coupe (07 - 14) car, Parkers has 92 for sale from trusted dealers to suit all budgets, with easy tools to narrow your choice to the right secondhand car for you.

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Smart Fortwo Coupe (07-14) reviews

Smart Fortwo Coupe (2007 - 2014)

Parkers rating: 3.5 out of 53.5
Smart Fortwo Coupe 2007-

Great around town, stylish looks, fits into the smallest of spaces, cheap to run, amazingly frugal diesel available


Sluggish automatic gearbox, shallow boot, inert steering

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