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Used SsangYong Rodius Estate (05 - 13) cars for sale


Used SsangYong Rodius Estate (05 - 13) cars for sale

If you're looking for a used SsangYong Rodius Estate (05 - 13) car, Parkers has 2 for sale from trusted dealers to suit all budgets, with easy tools to narrow your choice to the right secondhand car for you.

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SsangYong Rodius (05-13) reviews

SsangYong Rodius (2005 - 2013)

Parkers rating: 2 out of 52.0
Ssangyong Rodius 2005-

Cheap to buy, vast room inside, decent diesel engine, long warranty on cars from April 2009


Size makes it daunting to drive, cheap feel to the interior, electrical gremlins, oddball looks

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