Subaru Impreza Saloon (1993 - 2001) Turbo 2000 4WD 4d (2000/X) Owner Review

Want to know everything there is to know about this car?
What does this car say about you?
I like going fast
What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?
Friends love it, family enjoy it. Neighbours not so sure though as its is noisy with the big exhaust.
Would you buy this car again and why?
Definately, they are second to none when it comes to going fast on a back road!
What are you likely to buy next?
Fancy something with a bit more luxury next after I have had my fun in this.
Buying experience
Type of dealer you bought from?
Did you buy this car new?
What price did you pay?
When did you buy the car?
November 2008
Did you get a good deal and why?
At the time yes, but very shortly after that the market fell on them
Is there any special reason why you bought this car?
What was the dealer like?
Driving it
What's it like to drive?
Fantastic! I have uprated suspension on mine and it handles like a dream, deals with corners with ease!
What's it like to park?
If your a compentent enough driver it shouldn't be a problem.
Living with it
Have you had any problems with the car?
Was problems at first with stuttering when accelerating but dealer eventually fixed it!!
What's most practical about your car?
Can fit myself, partner and 3 kids in easily. Boot reasonable size.
Favourite gadget, option or accessory?