Ford Transit Conversions (2020/70) 2.0 EcoBlue (128ps) 350 L4 Chassis Cab RWD Van For Sale
- £13,490 + VAT
- Diesel – Manual
- White
- 80,433 miles
Dealer Info
Prestige Cars & Commercials Limited, Peterborough
Independent dealerships flourish in Britain - there are plenty of decent indie garages selling new and used vans around the country.
It's all down to reputation. We'd advise asking your friends and contacts locally to find out where the good outlets are.
You'll typically pay less at an independent dealership than you would at a main franchised garage - but you may have less choice and be picking from older, slightly less glossy vans with a less watertight warranty.
But find a good indie and you won't be disappointed. We'd recommend shopping around to find the best offers locally before weighing up the decision about where to buy.
Contact the independent dealer now
Prestige Cars & Commercials Limited, Peterborough
Independent dealerships flourish in Britain - there are plenty of decent indie garages selling new and used vans around the country.
It's all down to reputation. We'd advise asking your friends and contacts locally to find out where the good outlets are.
You'll typically pay less at an independent dealership than you would at a main franchised garage - but you may have less choice and be picking from older, slightly less glossy vans with a less watertight warranty.
But find a good indie and you won't be disappointed. We'd recommend shopping around to find the best offers locally before weighing up the decision about where to buy.
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