Volkswagen Golf GTI (2005 - 2008) 2.0 GTI 3d (2007/07) Owner Review

Want to know everything there is to know about this car?
What does this car say about you?
Spontaneous, fun and has sophistication. Stay away from ST or VXR if you want respect from more than your local chav's. This car looks perfect in the central of london along with the mercs and porsches.
What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?
I don't know haven't really asked, but a couple have said that it looks great and must go like stink.
Would you buy this car again and why?
Well i love to change cars but i honestly am not in a hurry to get rid of this one. I am only 23 still and it speaks perfectly about me.
What are you likely to buy next?
Mercedes or BMW - a German make.
Buying experience
Type of dealer you bought from?
Did you buy this car new?
What price did you pay?
When did you buy the car?
October 2008
Did you get a good deal and why?
Yes i got a fantastic deal. its a buyers market at the moment so they need our money. I was very happy with the deal. Got the car a year old and it was almost 7000 off the list price.
Is there any special reason why you bought this car?
Wanted something quick and something that had long warranty and strong reputation. I could have bought a higher marque car like a used BMWor Merc for the same money however they were out of their manufactures warranty and said 'older man with family'. At the same time i wanted something sophisticated and slick.
What was the dealer like?
Dealer was great, polite and not pushy, but then again you should never show weakness to dealers, that way you are always in control!
Driving it
What's it like to drive?
Makes you feel alive. So responsive and focused. The steering is a gem and that engine punches way above its division. Motorway driving is boring cos lets face it, its a straight road, but B roads are where it all happens or when you're just pulling away from the traffic lights. You have to have a GTI once in your life at least.
What's it like to park?
Easy, come on there is nothing to it. More visibility in my girlfriends 5 dr golf though.
Living with it
Have you had any problems with the car?
Nothing has gone wrong with it, though it makes a peculiar sound at start up, my friend says it starts up like a diesel for a split second, but then after the smooth hum of the exhaust and engine take over so all is OK. There is a tiny dashboard rattle but i am getting that repaired under warranty. There was a short circuit in the door electrics, that was repaired too under warranty.
What's most practical about your car?
I only like three door cars; It carries me and my girlfriend and the little dog in his carrier in the boot. Other times my golf clubs fit perfectly in the boot. It is very easy to drive and fits perfectly everywhere.
Favourite gadget, option or accessory?
The manual gearbox, i only ever drive manual, didn't even want DSG. But this gearbox is very special so slick everyone thinks that i am driving an auto. Also the winter pack, awesome.